Summer Movie night list

 My kids and I love having movie nights year round, typically Friday night we will all sit down and watch a movie together and then when they all go down for bed I will pop in a movie for myself. I only allow my kids to watch PG movies but sometimes the movies I watch are not bad and the girls might watch with me if they are not tired. Here is a list of a few kid movies we have planned for the summer and my mommy movie list I have planned for myself. we mostly steam the kids movies on the tv but I wanted to share the couple of DVD's I have planned for them

Kids Movie List DVD's only

  • The BFG
  • The sword and the stone
  • Triple feature of Beethoven movies we will watch all three overtime
  • Harry and the Henderson's
the rest will be streamed through Disney plus or other movie steaming apps

Mommy Movie List DVD's 
  • |Tommy Boy
  • Steel Magnolias
  • Erin Brockovich
  • Black Sheep
  • Double feature of Uncle Buck and The Great Outdoors
  • Free State of Jones
  • National Lampoons Vacation
  • Risky Business
  • Hope Floats
  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • Grumpy Old men and Grumpier Old men will be streamed on the tv


  1. Feel free to share any movies you and your kids enjoy watching, I always love getting movie recommendations


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