Putting An End To Mom Shaming

 Over the years I have noticed a trend of Moms; mom shaming other moms for simply parenting differently. now standing up for a child who is clearly abused is one thing. but calling out another mom for what she feeds or how she dresses or even for raising her voice at her child doesn't warrant a visit from CPS or the cops. yet this seems to be something happening more frequently which is really concerning, your dislike for someone doesn't make that person a bad parent who deserves for them and their child or children to be traumatized by an agency. at some point it's not really about the child but rather for the judgmental minds of others and people who are simply doing it out of spite due to jealousy. we are all just trying to raise the next generation and it's concerning due to the lack of maturity from the parents these days. I will never understand why we can't all just help and support one another during this stage in our lives. raising kids is the hardest thing I have ever done. I have never worked a job that has mentally and physically drained me like raising my kids does. I have had my fair share of nights going to bed and just crying myself to sleep over not feeling like I am enough for them or feeling guilty for whatever reason, us moms always feel guilty. yet deep down we all know our kids love us and no one will ever love them like we do. we sacrifice our bodies and minds for our children and no mom deserves to be shamed for simply just parenting in their own style. remember moms are people with the same emotions as people who don't have kids. we are not robots so just love and support one another, is better for the kids and at the end of the day it's all for the kids.


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