Create a space to help your creative side

 I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I know we did. we did some celebrating with family and then my kids and I enjoyed to Memorial Day parade my town had, it wasn't anything big just a simple and respectful parade to celebrate our countries fallen military members. yesterday once we were back to life the day got chaotic, I took my girls to school then had a few errands to run and then my little guy had a doctor appointment and luckily no shots were involved this time. I had planned on putting up a post yesterday but life comes first and the priorities trumped my blog. so today I am putting up this post was well as my to do list.

So for starters I wanted to talk about my space that I allow myself to help me focus on my creative side, I live in a not very big apartment while I am awaiting my future townhome to become available so I have to be creative with my space that is just for myself. my kids have a bad habit of trying to talk over anything that is mine. so at times I have to set firm boundaries and let them know some things are just for me. now back in march I bought a desktop computer for myself for working and a little desk, I don't have a ton of space but my purchases are something I am happy with. now my kids laptops both broke  accidentally, one got dropped and the other just stopped working. so on occasion I do let the girls use my computer but I don't let them clutter up my space with their things. I keep my desk decently organized because it helps me stay focused and keeps me from becoming distracted which interferes with my creative thinking. as a parent it's okay to have things that is just for you, our children are not entitled to our things. if we want to share that's fine and if we don't that too is fine. setting boundaries as simple as don't touch my computer or desk is good for kids. it teaches them they not everything is for them or will be given to them and that it's okay for others to have things that they don't. and if they want those things then they too will work for it. something I have noticed since becoming a parent is that these days society pushes it onto us parents that we owe our children our souls. and it's something that doesn't sit well with me, my parents never parented with that mentality, we were not the center of our parents lives we were a part of it. my parents didn't surrender their happiness to raise us and my siblings and I all have great relationships with my parents. they set healthy boundaries with us, and at the end of the day we all moved out and now they have each other and a strong relationship because they to put their happiness first while still doing a fabulous job to raise us kids. so take time for yourself and set firm boundaries with your kids. they may be upset at first but as an adult they will understand and not hold it against you.


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