Bug out bag

 With the times that we are living in I have decided to make a bug out bag recently, now I am not a fear monger or a prepper. but I do know Its important to have bags made up for myself and each child, Now I do have a few Items left to obtain but I would love to share with all of you what I have packed in my bag.

My bug out bag list

  • Extra clothes for each child
  • Food for each person to last 72 hours
  • two bottles of water each
  • flash lights 
  • first aid kit
  • antibiotic cream
  • tooth paste and tooth brushes
  • hair brush
  • diapers and wipe for my little guy
  • one thin book for each child
  • Pocket knife
  • glow stick
  • blanket for each person

These are the items I have acquired so far for our bags, I still have a list of items in need to purchase that will happen overtime. also my two older children have their own bags. my youngest child and I however share the same bag.


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