Budgeting on low income

In my household money is always tight, every dollar has a name to it before I even get paid. you get super creative with your money to get by and have very little to no luxuries. This week I have $100.00 to pay a bill put gas in my car and buy the few things that we were in need of getting. so below is my budget of how I spent that money this week.

$100.00 weekly budget

  • $50 for gas I only put in $30 and put the extra $20 into savings in case I need to top my tank off mid week. if I don't need it then I move that money to savings
  • $20 was put into a bills saving account for my phone bill
  • $30 was spent today on some essentials we were in need of this week with $2 and some change left over which I will put into my savings. 

I did buy my kids each a treat this week for good behavior, which was planned into my budget. as well as flip flops for the pool so they don't ruin their nice sandals.


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